One of the critical success factors for successful completion of an innovation project is the constitution of the project team! An inappropriate team mix can come out with incremental solutions or may result in the project not moving forward even though powerful ideas get generated.
Form Innovation Project Teams based on their thinking/ problem solving style.
While selecting personnel to work on Innovation, it is important to consider their style of problem-solving. All people solve problems and are creative. Yet individuals vary in the way they prefer to solve problems, think creatively, and make decisions. This translates to varying problem-solving STYLES – not capabilities.
Problem-Solving Styles are arranged across a continuum, ranging from “highly adaptive” to “highly innovative.” People are born with a particular “problem-solving style” that can be assessed. This style does not change.

BMGIs Value Proposition
Deliverables: KAI score on the Adaptive-Innovative Continuum with recommendations for team constitution of innovation project teams.
Contact us for understanding the “problem-solving” styles of your people!