Most organizations have implemented “idea generation initiatives” at some point in time. They have achieved varying degrees of success. Typically, there are lots of ideas at the start, great ideas at the start but eventually the initiative dies a natural death. There are attempts to reinvigorate the initiative through push-based campaigns, etc but the responses are few and the ideas are pedestrian!
Pull-driven Ideation Platform –
Seeding Transformation!
A robust & self-sustaining “Ideation Platform” can be a treasure trove of powerful & innovative ideas for taking the organization to the next level. Each idea can potentially drive transformation! The key is to nurture each idea till it fructifies and delivers its inherent promise.
BMGI Value Proposition
BMGI establishes an “Ideation Platform” that works! It’s not just one more initiative and not the flavour of the season! Get a steady supply of powerful ideas!

The following makes our ideation platform successful –