Our Services
BMGI provides services that deliver tangible outcomes/ results:

Define Innovation Strategy & Growth Portfolio
Build a strategic Innovation portfolio
Build future competitive advantage and maintain leadership position. Build Portfolio of radical/ breakthrough – product/ service, business model, process opportunities
Business model innovation
Go beyond product/ service and process innovation! Find opportunities to innovate across elements of the business model

Democratize innovation – everyone can innovate
Build innovation capability
In-source innovation capability and make innovation a habit! Develop innovation talent
Establish Ideation Platform
Establish an action-oriented platform to capture all ideas from employees. Engage and encourage day-to-day innovation

Start-up mentoring
Blitzscale your start-up! Enhance the probability of success of your start-up! Validate your product-market fit and build a viable business model.

Convert Innovation opportunities to business outcomes
Drive breakthrough innovation projects
Convert innovation opportunities into successful business outcomes.
Customer-led innovation
Obtain and convert deep customer insights to innovative solutions
Drive Transformation & Solve Chronic Problems/ Challenges
Solve business-critical challenges and resolve contradictions using TRIZ and other Innovation Tools
Rapid ideation events
Run Ideation Campaigns/ Innovation Sprints/ Hackathons – Generate innovative ideas using set of innovation tools for specific problems/ challenges

Build a Culture of Innovation
Assess the organization’s current capability for innovation
Understand current organizational capability on innovation and build an action-oriented plan for innovation success
Assess Problem-Solving Styles of Individuals – Innovative or Adaptive
Innovation success requires both innovative and adaptive thinking styles. Ensure appropriate diversity on Innovation Project Teams.
Establish Innovation Infrastructure & Engage Organization
Establish the governance infrastructure needed to fuel and sustain innovation in the organization and make innovation a way-of-life